Previous Clients

Ronna Green for City Council

Ronna is running for City Council and provided us with a photo, a statement, and color preferences and we took it from there.

Table Top Strategies

Table Top Strategies business page. We worked with the TTS team to create the full website and provide business email. Their team provided their color and font preference and supplied photos and business / service descriptions.

Donald Donaire for School Board

Donald Donaire for School Board – Successful election campaign website. Donald’s team supplied us with one flyer and we created a simple, effective, and on brand website to inform voters, collect donations, and connect on social media platforms.

Angel Ann Flores for School Board

Angel Ann Flores for school board – Successful election campaign website. Angel Ann’s team supplied us with one campaign flyer and we created a simple, effective, and on brand website to inform voters, collect donations, and connect on social media platforms.

Mario for City Council

Mario for City Council campaign. Mario is currently running for city council and we worked with his team to develop an on brand campaign website to inform voters, collect donations, and to contact the campaign.

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